Spring is bursting out all over! At the time of writing, we have glorious sunshine, and the puddles are slowly drying up. The hedgerows are full of wild garlic and birdsong and the grass is starting to grow nicely. The cattle are starting to lose their winter coats and we look forward to the day they can be turned out, this is always a special event!
The Countrymen’s club at Rylands has welcomed several new members recently and we are thrilled to have some more volunteers to join our fantastic team.

The broad beans are looking healthy, and we have started planting in the polytunnel. We are hoping to finally get the weeds under control this year and supply our local community shop with lots of fresh vegetables.
We have a celebration planned on Thursday 2nd June to celebrate the Queen’s platinum jubilee, so the vintage tractors will be dusted and polished and the flags will be up!
We will once again be raffling a vintage tractor to help fund the running of the club and we hope to take it to lots of shows and events this summer.
We are still very Covid aware and ask anyone with symptoms to please take a LFT before attending a session. Luckily the weather is improving, and we can spend more time in the fresh air, but measures are still in place to protect the group.
This year also marks the 10th anniversary of the founding of the club, and we are planning a special event to mark this in July. Symonds and Sampson estate agents have us as one of their nominated charities this year alongside Dorset Mind. On the evening of July 28th, they will be running an auction of promises as a fund raiser. Any suggestions or offers of help would be greatly appreciated. Do come along on the day and support us as well if you are able!
The BBC were on the farm recently filming some of the Countrymen for a special report on Countryfile. It is hoped to be broadcast on April 3rd, look out for us then!