Write for us

Would you like to join the Countrymen Conversation by writing for our website? Just follow our guidelines below.
What are we looking for?

We’re looking for informative, engaging and highly relevant articles and blog posts that will be of interest to Countrymen, their Carers and anyone else who shares an interest in the topics surrounding Countrymen UK, whether it’s about ageing, health, activities, fundraising, social services, welfare rights, farm and countryside experiences or a host of other relevant topics.

Content Guidelines

We prefer to receive content that’s original and unpublished. It could be text, photos, images or a combination of these.
The length of articles or blog posts doesn’t really matter but it could be anything from 50 to 500 words.

You may link to external sources but only if they help readers to gain additional knowledge and insights. We won’t publish links that are self-promoting or could be seen as advertising or sales pages.

We encourage you to submit supporting images (photographs, graphics, etc) along with your text. These should be submitted as images of at least 1024 x 575 pixels and up to 4200 x 4200 pixels. Please submit as JPG or PNG formats with a maximum file size of 8MB.

Payments Vs Author Promotion

We neither pay for nor charge for guest content but we do promote our contributors and their work.

In addition to your main content, you should provide us with contributor information in line with our requirements, i.e.:

  • Your name as the author
  • A headshot image of yourself (this is optional but should be at least 1024 x 1024 pixels and be submitted in a JPG or PNG format)
  • One link that takes readers to your website or blog.

Submitting your content to us

Please note that we delete all submissions if we suspect that the email is spam or if they look like something from a ‘content factory’.

You can submit content that is ready for publication or you can submit a proposal to us. If you submit a proposal, it should have a strong working title or suggested headline and should provide us with a clear insight into your central theme and how it will resonate with readers.

Your content should be sent using the content proposal form below.

Please allow 21 days for our response.


We retain the right to make any necessary edits after proofreading or to edit any content for reasons of clarity or impact. If we feel that any major editing is required, we will contact you and suggest that you undertake the edit. Alternatively, we may do the editing and send you a copy for your approval.

We may also provide a short introduction to your content if we feel that this will assist with the context or in scene-setting.
Intellectual Property Rights

As the creator of any content submissions to CUK, you retain all your rights to that content.

However, by making a submission, you are giving us an exclusive, royalty-free licence to publish that work and to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and publicly display the work. This license will be valid in perpetuity unless you or CUK cancels it with one month’s written notice.

Also, in making your content submission, you are warranting that your content is original and that you own all rights to that content or have written permission to use it, whether it is in the form of text, photographs, video, audio, graphics or any other format and you fully indemnify CUK against any action from any party that may arise from your infringement of any other party’s rights.

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