Countrymen UK Blog
Age UK have written an excellent article about how men experience and combat loneliness in later life. There are many parallels to be drawn with Countrymen UK and it’s vital role in the local community. Click to find out more

A Country Journey One man and his horse
A Country Journey is a 200-mile multi-day cross-country walk by Roger Sewill and his horse, Scarlet, a native Dales Pony. Together they are journeying from

Local funding vital to the continuation of the club
Countrymen recently receive a funding boost curtesy of Hunt’s Food Group community fund, here is their post. At Hunt’s Food Group, we are passionate about

Countrymen Anniversary
This year marks the 10th year since Julie’s initial start-up of Countrymen. Over the last decade the Club has trained 11 other spaces and farms

Spring 2022 Update
Welcome to our Spring newsletter. The days are getting longer and hopefully we will get some sunshine to warm up the soil. This year marks

Bristol University Researchers
A group of researchers from Bristol university recently visited us, see what they had to say.

The Countrymen Club UK (Dorset Branch)
The polytunnel is clean and ready for the spring as the first signs of new growth appear under the apple trees. We have a few

Finalist for Care Innovator Award
Our success in being shortlisted as a finalist in the Care Innovator Award in the South West is due to the work we’ve been doing

Cultivating an exciting alternative to day centres
Day care centres weren’t the answer for John. They tended to favour indoor and relatively passive activities or talking groups, while John was really yearning to be involved in more physical outdoor activities, preferably alongside other men who also had a deep love of the outdoor life.

Outreach Initiative supports local countrymen, carers and organisations
Coronavirus has been affecting many, especially older people with underlying health conditions. This has meant that Countrymen haven’t been able to get onto farms and

Video Tour of Manor Farm in Dorset
This video has been created by Will Best, owner of Manor Farm in Godmanstone, Dorset. Will has produced this as an insight into his farm,

New Research Report on Care Farms and Dementia
An abstract from a recent report about care farm provision for those with dementia says, “There is growing recognition that traditional dementia care models fall