Countrymen UK Blog
Age UK have written an excellent article about how men experience and combat loneliness in later life. There are many parallels to be drawn with Countrymen UK and it’s vital role in the local community. Click to find out more

Health and Wellbeing Statistics (Slideshow)
Click on the slideshow to advance to the next slide.

Why men only?
People sometimes ask why Countrymen Clubs are for men only. Here are some quotes from research that were part of a study carried out on

Experts wanted
Countrymen UK is looking for experts in a range of subjects who can act as Guest Bloggers for our website. Blog topics should be relevant

Social Prescribing Dilemma
It’s been listed as one of the top ten high-impact strategies and the Secretary of State said that social prescribing would become an indispensable part

Countrymen UK pick up two Awards
Countrymen UK pick up two Awards The Sustainable Health & Care Awards 2018 The Markel 3rd Sector Care Awards In our previous newsletter (Nov.2018), we proudly

Top Award for Countrymen UK
Can you believe it? Countrymen UK and Future Roots have just scooped a national award for our approach to health care.

Write for us
Would you like to join the Countrymen Conversation by writing for our website? What are we looking for? We’re looking for informative, engaging and highly

Getting back to being you?
We’ve been asked why we chose “Getting back to being you” as the strapline for our logo, so here’s the inside story. It’s a simple

Should Countrymen be physically active?
It’s not a difficult question. The benefits of being more active should be easily recognised, especially in older people and more especially in men who